





I forgot what i'm gonna do here... lol. But look, I'm scrolling!

Hey there! I'm plausibly, but my actual name is Ethan. You can call me either :)

This is my website. I keep this up to date with my interests. It's also a resource for any guides, tutorials, or reviews I write.

I like to spend my free time working on various programming projects, learning
languages, reading, and enjoying various forms of media. If you like these things, then hopefully you'll enjoy my site!

  I'm old fashioned, through and through (i.e. i dont use social media). Don't expect this site to diverge in any significant way from that. This site is mostly retro themed. I like to think I'm stuck in the early 2000s in some ways... I wouldn't have it any other way, though!
I'll add that this site exists as well for me to practice my HTML and CSS skills. Hopefully I'll add more interesting things to spice up the site. It's meant to mimic that 2000s fansite type of thing.

I'll probably focus my writings and content around my worldview. The reason this website
exists in the first place is for creative expression; its contents will run down from that. If you're interested in what that means I'd reccomend you my blog.

I'm going to get to polishing everything when I can. It's going to evolve along with me.
Sorry for being corny like that. Just how it is.

Latest updated links will go here.

Dedicated to my grandmother, and everyone from past or future travels to come. You all have a place in my heart. Thank you!